Friday, September 26, 2008

Letter to younger self

Dear Smooth operator.

Hey tough guy! How have you been? I’m doing well! I keep my nose far from girl’s sweet scented trickery, I know it smells good but that’s it. Curiosity is such a bad thing!
Looking back on this year I can see where it all started – “let’s go meet some girls?” I thought…ah they can’t be that dangerous. Yeah. So I found myself meandering down towards the club. At the door I met this third year girl giving me my stamp…wow, she’s hot!
I remember waking up the next morning and she was next to me. I smiled nervously at her like when you are caught staring, and she smiled back sweetly. No, I’m not talking about loosing my virginity – I’m talking about being fresh, easy meat for seasoned citizens!
Surprised that it can happen to guys? Don’t be. You see, no one really mentions it to you before you come to university. Take it from me, its real! Like, no one said anything, nor did they try and stop me. I thought I was so smooth taking her home not realizing that it was the other way round – she was taking ME home! Sounds cool huh? I bagged and older girl! Wait.
So I thought it was going somewhere, but sadly no one told me what would happen next. “You’re a first year – how will it work?” She carried on with life and got a new first year and what was I left with? Nothing really, besides feeling like a used teabag! All my mates could say was, “We thought you knew?” I was literally picked and exchanged as if she was trying shoes!! So be smarter, if you looking for relationships, by all means get stuck in; but be smart about where you are looking for them.

Yours truly
A little more clued up bitter guy!


Anonymous said...

Smooth operator I can relate to what you’re saying as we often find that we get to varsity with the intension of being in a stable sexual relationship. As a first year you are seen as ‘fresh meat’ and all they want to do is taste you, and once they have find something new. It is not wrong to see the opposite sex as HOT, but once you compromise yourself in sexual excitement and enjoyment you find yourself used. The worst part of it all is that the person you engage with in this act is not about to commit to a relationship with you, so they carry on with their lives while you end up stuck and wondering why you did what you did. When looking for a relationship look beneath the surface as looks can deserve you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment Tobi,I will most definately take your advice on this because quite frankly it sucks getting the short end of the stick! cheers! please do visit again!

Anonymous said...

Yo, smooth operator.I totally agree with you in light of your experience.We should not just jump into relationships as this can lead to emotional abuse.I think as first years we have to realise that the relationship issue is a whole different game at varsity so we should not raise our expectations every time we see a hot girl.I had an experience where I fell head over heels for a girl only to discover that looks deceive.I think the issue of being picked and exchanged like shoes is the norm rather than the exception in this place.I think it pays to be picky rather than going for the adage, if you can't beat them join them.Check out my letter for an insight on a similar issue.If one doesn't want to feel like a used teabag, caution has to be exercised in this game of love. Otherwise, the consequences might be unpleasant.

Tough LOve said...

Wow, third years are evil . Admittedly I did say third year guys but I guess third year girls too, or shall we just say the “seasoned citizens”. Okay so you “bagged an older girl… and were left feeling like a used teabag” while I got “puppy-trained and abandoned”. I guess first-years are gullible. It’s this puppy-training thing again when you say, “not realizing that it was the other way round – she was taking (you) home”; that’s what I thought. I really thought I was in control, I guess not. The horrible thing is that people don't warn first-years or maybe we just didn't listen to the warnings? I hate the idea of being "fresh, easy meat" or a "puppy" but I think it's time to relinquish these titles considering we will soon be joining the "seasoned citizens" just hopefully not in their games.
Tough LOve