Friday, October 17, 2008

Toilet Confessions

Shortly after my arrival at Rhodes as a green first year, John, a second year, casually informed me that “once you become a Rhodent, you will be able to drink almost anyone under the table.” This is a general assumption derived from the old dogs and inherited by the new. After the epic parties of matric rage, first years came to Rhodes with the idea that they could keep on par with the second years. Guess again. The first week of university serves as the most abrupt, harsh crash course you will ever experience. I thought I was a pretty strong drinker, until I arrived here.

It's the second day of Orientation week and I'm sitting in the Rat with random second years. Four hunters and two tequilas later , I am faced with yet another hunters, but this time the second years have a challenge in mind. I have to perform a 'storpedo' in front of the second years. That is, open my gullet and swallow the hunters in about ten seconds flat. I pull it off. The second years are taken aback. We leave the Rat, searching for a better party on the horizon. As we leave, I try to stop the urge. Too late. I projectile vomit all over the pavement and myself. The second years witness the entire event. Great. How embarrassing.

Sadly, the buck doesn't stop here. One competition escalates into a year of beerfest. My friend, who wishes to stay anonymous, also remembers “those nights when I would have a big one and then I would wake up on the bathroom floor and I would have no idea how I got there.”

The driving force behind the alcohol abuse in Rhodes is peer pressure. Those who thought that peer pressure rescinds with the end of your high school career are very much mistaken. Not only is it considered cool to get overboard drunk but your friends, those who are supposed to promote your well being, manipulate you to go out. To top it off, you can even find facebook groups promoting such behaviour!

Statistics prove that Rhodes students are influenced to drink by the activities of societies and Orientation week. At Rhodes, every night has the potential to be an awesome party. But you have to develop self control. Do not live in the fear that you will miss a good night out or you shall be called a 'fader' by your friends. Although your short term goal is to have fun at university, always consider your long term goals. Everyone shares this primary goal; to leave university with a degree. If you party all the time, not only do you risk your health severely, but you also increase your chances of failing. Unfortunately, some catch this wake up call too late and they can't return to university as a second year. When I look back at the person I was then, well, I can barely recognise her. I'm just happy I got my wake up call before it was too late.


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