Monday, October 20, 2008

Comment on "Homosexuality at Rhodes"

This is my reply to an opinion piece that i found on

I must be honest that I did not fully understand where you were going with your take on homosexuality here at Rhodes but I found your argument incredibly weak, especially in this cases’ seriousness. This is a very controversial issue. You said that at other universities, students still die because they are scared of what others may say about their status- is that not rather far fetched, yes there may be abuse and discrimination but death? You also say you admire the University for the way in which they deal with the issue and how they encourage students to be proud of their sexual status’s, however you as a straight person feel left out and are worried about the girl-guy, straight-gay ratio here in Grahamstown. You then pose the question to whether it is members of our SRC and its administration that are homosexual and thus they are the ones encouraging homosexuality? How do you know that there are homosexuals within the SRC, there are no names mentions so one cannot see the truth in your assumptions and thus questions your credibility. Rhodes as a university aims to teach everyone tolerance and understanding of the diverse people around us and that is why there are societies such as OUTrhodes. I would not say that there is anyone imposing any beliefs onto us but people just offering their guidance and understanding as it not the straight but homosexuals that are mostly forgotten.


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